Montgomery Baptist Church
Montgomery Baptist Church
Join us in person at
8605 Grovemont Circle
Gaithersburg, MD 20877
or on
Facebook Live every Sunday at 10:00 am
We're so glad that you stopped by. Please feel free to tour our website to gain a better understanding of what MBC is all about. We hope that what you find here will inspire you to come and visit us. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 301-956-6782
This week's sermon and words from the Pastor -
Title: How's It Working Out For You?
Text: Romans 8:28
​​​​​​​​​​​​​From the Pastor's Heart
As we have now embarked on a new year many people have new plans and goals that they want to accomplish. A question that we are often asked is “ how are things working out for us “. The answer to this question is often based on how we feel at that moment. If however we are a child of God and have fully placed our trust in him we know that no matter how difficult our current situation might be we can say we’re good because God will work it out for us.
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If you are interested in giving to the church, you can mail your offering to our address below or visit the app and look for Montgomery Baptist Church
Montgomery Baptist Church
8605 Grovemont Circle
Gaithersburg, MD 20877
If you would like to support our missionaries you may do so at
**** If you are in need of prayer, you can reach out to our prayer line at 240-709-8329. ****
10:00am PRAISE & WORSHIP Service
7:00pm Adult Bible Study
We are back in person for bible study at the church
1st & 3rd Friday
7:00pm Church Fellowship on Zoom
4th Sunday
- Youth Sunday
- Care group - location tbd
1st Sunday
​Sunday cafe' - immediately after service- discuss various points of the sermon with the Pastor!